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Recognizing the military service of men and women from Arenzville, Illinois.


Civil War
Sp.-Amer. War
World War I
World War II
Cold War
Desert Storm
Legion Post 604

Korean War

Thank you for your interest. This page is still under construction. If you would like to share stories or photos of Arenzville veterans of the Korean War, please contact me at bestburgoo (at) outlook.com.


Personal Pages ] Photos ] Stories ]

* missing in action

Everett Allen
James Beard
Myron Beard
Paul Beets
Jerry Bumgarner
Herbert Coats
Donald Dober
Alvin Dufelmeier
Edward Dufelmeier
Donald Engebrecht
Eugene Farmer
Glen Fiedler
Carl Fozzard
Richard Fricke
Jack Hansmeier
Gilbert Harbin
Kenneth Harbin
Charles Hierman
Floyd Jones
Jim Jones
Bill Kinsey
Erwin Kleinschmidt*
George Kleinschmidt
Paul Kleinschmidt
Ronald Kleinschmidt
Vernon Kleinschmidt
Donald Kolberer
Beryl Lippert
Gordon Lippert
Wilbur Lippert
Byron Lovekamp
Dale Lovekamp
Gordon Lovekamp
Keith Lovekamp
Leroy Lovekamp

Richard Lovekamp
Stanley Lovekamp
Paul Manuel
Howard Mason
Wilbur Meyer
Orval D. Mullens
Clarence J. Nickel
Donald Nickel
Elmer Nickel
James Nickel
Waldron Paul
Frank Privia
Albert Quigg
Henry Quigg
James Quigg
William Rawlings
George Roegge
Harlan Roegge
Herman Roegge
Kenneth Roegge
Marvin Schnake
Dean Schone
Henry Schone
Jack Schone
Robert Schone
Wayne Strubbe
Kenneth Taylor
Ellis Vanderpool
Robert Werries
Don Wessler
Max Wessler
Delmos Winkelman
Russel Winkelman
Billie Zulauf
Fletcher Zulauf


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Copyright 2002, Molly Daniel. This page last updated 12/20/2003.